Tippecanoe School Corporation

Car Rider Procedure

Car Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

In order to ensure that all of our Wyandotte students are safe, the new guidelines must be followed. 

When you enter our driveway there are two lanes:

*KDG-2 cars will be on the left lane of the driveway. 

*Grades 3-5 cars will be on the right lane of the driveway. 

**If you have students in multiple grades, you will follow the KDG-2 line first and then you will merge into the Grades 3-5 lane of the driveway. 

Cars that have only students in grades 3-5 will continue on the right lane of the driveway to door 15. 

We request no parents get out of their car while in the car rider line. Please refer to the diagram below.

Car Rider Map

Car Rider Procedure