If your child will be ABSENT:
1. Notify the front office (765) 772-7000, as soon as you know the student will be absent.
*If no one answers, leave a voicemail with the following information:
-Student’s Name
-Teacher and Grade level
-Reason for absence (if sick, please specify illness)
**Please note: all students must be 24 hours without medication fever and vomit free before being able to return to school.
2. Send your student’s teacher an email or message via Dojo making them aware of the absence.
-If you would like to pick up homework for your child, please let the teacher know.
-Homework that is requested will be available for pick up in the front office until the end of the school day. *After school pick up may be requested, and the work will be placed in a gray bin at the front of the school.