Tippecanoe School Corporation
Wyandotte Celebrates Multicultural Day '24
Aaron Hamilton

Students and staff experienced Diwali in India, Christmas in the Philippines, Mexico, and Ukraine. Oba Festival in Nigeria and the Kite Festival in Guatemala.

Thank you to the following families for participating in Wyandotte's Multicultural Day: "Holidays Around The World"!

Aparna Bhave

Akul Joshi

Shailaja Rudra

Riza Segura

Earl Clemente

Sochi Marion

Felicia Felix

Penny Taylor

Mari Del Real

Angie Vargas



Kelsey & Jose Lopez

The DelReal and Vargas family made 525 Mexican Banuelos for the students to try.  The Olasunknami family brought Joffah rice and chicken from Nigeria. The Joshi/Bhave family shared sweets from India  

Wyandotte celebrates our 39% diversity. Students love to share and learn about the diverse backgrounds of India, Philippines, Ukraine, Germany, France, Mexico, Nigeria, Lebanon, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil, China, Native American, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, and Guatemala.

We are so grateful for the support and generosity of our families and staff for making this event possible!