Student Life
Family and Student Programs
Family Science, Fitness, and Reading Nights
Hawk Walk 5k Run and Fun Fair
Donuts with Dads (fall)
Mornings with Mom (spring)
KDG Grandparent Day
1st Grade Thanksgiving Program
2nd Grade Poetry with Friends
3rd Grade Science Fair
4th Grade Wax Museum
Reading Buddies
Student Council 4th and 5th Grades
Broadcast Club 5th Grade
Girls Running Club 4th and 5th Grades
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
STEM and Projected based Learning KDG - 5 Grades
Accelerated Reader Program KDG-5 Grades
Junior Achievement
2nd through 5th Grades have one on one Chromebooks
KDG and 1st Grades use iPads
Parent/Teacher Conferences (fall and spring)
Continuous assessment and progress monitoring with Scholastic Next Steps, STAR WIDA, and NWEA
2/3 and 4/5 Highly Able Classrooms
Read to Succeed
KDG and 1st grade students participate in IDEA enrichment activities
KDG through 5th grade students receive intervention support