TSC Meal Charge Account Procedures
More information can be found at TSC's Nutrition Site HERE.
To use our Cafe Prepay online payment system go to www.myschoolbucks.com. You are able to pay for your child’s meals by using a credit card or by scheduling a direct withdrawal from your checking or savings account. Cafe Prepay, allows parents to see their child’s lunch account balance online.
Student Breakfast $1.40
Student Hot Lunch $2.40
Milk $0.60
In accordance with School Board policy, the Superintendent requires School Corporation Food Service personnel to comply with National School Lunch Program standards and establishes these procedures to govern meal charge accounts. Cafeteria purchases may be prepaid into individual food service accounts before meal service begins or paid as they receive meals. Prepayments into individual food service accounts may be made anytime through the Corporation's online prepayment system or by cash or check at the school. The only deductions made from prepaid accounts will be for the purchase of meals or other allowable food purchases in the cafeteria. In accordance with School Board policy, a student may charge for meals if his/her account has an insufficient balance to cover the charge. However, no account will be allowed to exceed a significant negative balance owed in excess of the equivalent of the cost of three lunches as established in School Board policy. Staff members and adult community residents shall not be permitted to charge meals. A student whose account has a significant negative balance may not charge or purchase 'a la carte' items, including extra main course entrees. If a student has a significant negative lunch account balance, he/she shall be provided a regular reimbursable meal that follows the USDA meal pattern, the cost of which shall continue to accrue to his/her significant negative balance. Parents will be initially notified by email or letter of a negative balance in their student's account upon occurrence. Negative balances are expected to be corrected upon the notification by school authorities. The Cafeteria Managers will be responsible for making this initial notification to parents. If an account balance remains negative and the balance owed becomes in excess of $25, the Cafeteria Manager will not only continue contacting the parent via email or letter, but begin contacting the parent by phone.
If the negative balance is not brought to a positive within 10 days of these efforts, the Corporation will take action to collect the unpaid debt by means of collection agencies. Debits will remain uncollectable after all of the above efforts have been made shall be classified as bad debt and may be removed from accounts receivable in accordance to Board Policy 6151. If a student withdraws or graduates from the Corporation and has a positive balance of less the $10, the balance may be receipted into the school lunch fund where the school lunch program funds are maintained unless the parent requests a refund. If a student withdraws or graduates with a positive balance greater than $10, the parents shall be notified by mail and given the option of receiving a refund within forty-five days. If no response is received within forty-five days, the account will be closed and the funds will no longer be available. Unclaimed balances will be transferred to the school lunch fund where the school lunch program funds are maintained.